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Best practices

Proactively prevent connectivity issues.
Onboarding checklistA few important things to know before you deploy.
Improve coverage with automatic network selectionFind out how leaving PLMN lists blank reduces SIM registration times, saves power, and reduces the chances of a poor-quality connection.
How to make the most out of Onomondo’s Insight ToolsA step-by-step guide on troubleshooting connectivity issues.
Implementing Connectivity Recovery ModeDevices are capable of behaving abnormally and can be lost without a connectivity recovery mode.
Recommended Robustness TestsLearn about SIM and device interaction during development. It can help prevent surprises after deployment.
What is the FPLMN (forbidden network) list on a SIM?The FPLMN list on a SIM tells a modem which networks it can’t connect to.
How to clear the FPLMN list on the SIMFPLMN can be cleared either with AT commands or through physical removal of the SIM.
What's the maximum size of MTU on Onomondo network?Onomondo supports max. MTU of 1360.
How do I add a Network Preference List (PLMN)?Network preference lists prioritize specific networks over others, even if the preferred network has a weak signal.
How to subscribe to the Onomondo Status Page?Go to and click on "Subscribe to updates".