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Test connectivity of Onomondo SIMs using the getting started device

The Onomondo Getting Started Device is a handy SIM card connectivity tester.

A Quick Connectivity Test

Once you are on the details page on our platform of the specific SIM you want to test:

  1. Add the getting-started connector to the SIM

  2. Swap the SIM with the one you want to test.

  3. The device turns on. Watch the progress of the sequence of lights on the board.

  4. When it is completed, look at the Network Logs and Traffic Monitor tabs of the SIM.

What to look for:

  • Is there a "data connection attached" in the Network Logs?

  • Are some packets visible on the Traffic Monitor?

If so, then congratulations!!

The SIM can successfully connect.

If this is the case, normally it is the device that needs to be configured

A Detailed Connectivity Test

This takes a little set up, but afterwards you can see both the network information as mentioned in step 4 above, as well as a log of the actions performed by the device.

This is great to share with:

  1. Us if the device isn't connecting with the new SIM

  2. Help you configure your device

  3. Show to the device manufacturer when trying to debug an issue.

Initial Setup

The first time you do this will require some initial setup.

  1. Install the driver - Find your specific OS here: https://www.silabs.com/products/development-tools/software/usb-to-uart-bridge-vcp-drivers

  2. Install a serial port logger
    There are plenty out there, but CoolTerm - works across platforms - https://freeware.the-meiers.org/
  3. Plug the device into the reading output USB port

  4. Open the Serial port logger

  5. set the settings
    - the ports name is along the lines of usbscart

    - the baud rate is 115200

    - include a time stamp if possible

    - (optional) start recording log to file

  6. Connect to the port to listen to it

  7. Follow the above steps from the Quick Connectivity Test

If it does not connect, send us the log at support@onomondo.com so we can use it for more information.