How do I get an API key?

Admins and owners can easily create/edit/delete API keys from our Platform and customize them using Tags based on API need.

Currently, the preferred method for interacting with our API is through the use of an API key, which can be generated from our platform.

Go to the "API keys" tab on the platform.


In this screen you can manage all your API keys.


Adding a new API key

It is straight forward to generate a new API key.

  1. Click on the button "New API key"
  2. Add the Tags if you want to limit the API access to specific items
  3. Give it a name and click on the button "Create API key"
  4. Store the API key somewhere safe


Caution - API keys are only shown once when they are generated. If the key is lost, you can just generate a new key and delete the previous one.

Editing existing API keys

Once they are created, you can still edit the access level of the API key and the name. However, you not be able to see the value of the API key again.


Deleting API keys

When editing an API key as shown above, you also have the choice to delete the key. After the key is deleted, it will no longer work.


If you have any questions, send us an email at and we will help you out.