Is there any way to reduce the memory footprint of the SoftSIM's code?No, but you can introduce a partitioning scheme within the nRF91 memory to optimize it.
I get "Failed to decrypt profile" error when decrypting SoftSIM profileYou are attempting to decrypt a profile with a different keypair than the API key it was fetched with.
I get "No more profiles are available" error when fetching SoftSIMYou have fetched all the available profiles assigned to your account. Please reach out to your CSM to request more profiles.
What does "Exiting with error" message mean?This error has multiple causes. Re-run the command with additional logging.
I get ERR: -134 when flashing SoftSIM profileDecrypt your SoftSIM profile with the next command before injecting it into your project.
I get "failed to load key" error when decrypting SoftSIM profileYour private key is password protected.